Tuesday 8 June 2010

No Walk Today

Tuesday 8th June:
Venue: 0
Find of the non-walk:0
Weather: yuk

No blog, so I shall bore you instead. In any event, Mrs P wasn;t coming today , due to a date with Jonbonjonbonjonbonbonjonbonjovi - ' i will love you - always' etc. hope it is/was brilliant., Chris - we hope your back gets better and better.

However, to cheer you up on this miserable day, here are, apparently, the ten things to make you happy.

1. take a reality check - look at your positives
2. cherish friends and family
3. show affection
4. be kind, often
5. have a laugh
6. look after yourself
7. be grateful
8. spend time with nature
9. slow down and learn to relax
10. forgive

well, i reckon we pretty much cover all of that.

right, on to other things. we want to visit nymans gardens? well, it is only open wed - sun, so obviously the tues. will not suit. i reckon next wed could be a go-er, and Mrs P could possibly change days - what think you ,everyone?

hope you can all make it and lots of numbers 2 and 3 xxxxxx

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