Friday 18 June 2010

Langshott, The Farmhouse

Neanderthal Surrey-alism

Tuesday: 15th June

Venue: The Farmhouse pub - Langshott, Horley

Walkers: Farty, T.B., Windy, Mrs Provincial, Registrarah, 10 Legs, and Clat - the 2 other legs were assisting with a hospital appt,., and Sally sent her apologies - and we send our sympathies xxxxxxx

Find of the walk: - two today! - a reflector bush, and a bit of pump action.

Distance: 8 miles - well done

Weather: cloudy, sunny, windy, very hay-fevery, warm, chilly - only this country can pack in so much to a day.

 new walk for all of us, so it is quite understandable that we took the wrong route at times, and, again, lack of signage, made our journey more difficult.

Hey ho, we were soon crossing the Burstow river - very pretty, only to see it again and again, which we knew was incorrect. N.B. to the O.S. map compilers - please do not put the dotted pathway route right on top of the flippin' river route - honestly, you just can't get the staff, can you? So, when we got to the fragrant (ha ha), sewage works, we knew we had to re-configure. This we successfully accomplished in the nearby bushes, and had a break.

Our re-organised journey then led us to Peeks Brook Lane, where we were waylaid by Peter the pot-bellied pit-bull, who asked us if we were lost? No we were not, but we then had a verbal about the problems for farmers, with walkers, and footpaths. If it were up to him, all footpaths across his land would be closed - I don't think so, sunshine. All of his 'statements' were prefaced by 'now don't be offended by what I'm about to say'........... -if this goes on much longer you might be offended by what we are about to say.

Moving swiftly on, we headed towards the edge of the M23 and an under-used track which purported (that's a good word), to be the Sussex Border path. We encountered a couple of men dressed in sailing gear (we were by the airport, for heaven's sake), and moved on past a very badly fenced field, with what looked like very badly cared- for mare and two foals. We all commented that there was a definite atmosphere about this area, and felt quite uncomfortable - almost as if we had stepped into another (not very nice) world. Pallettes, pit-bulls, rottweilers abound, plus empty dirty houses, and lots of dumped cars - not many people around, and those we did meet were unfriendly. We asked one walker 'are we on the right course'? 'yes, it's obvious' was the reply as he stalked off - no it wasn't cos we got lost again. He also yelled out 'deer' - so loudly that of course we missed it.

We then encountered the 'sailors' once more, who had changed their clothes - what the dickens is going on round here?We were now by the site of Thunderfield Castle (being lost again), but wecompleted a loop and ended up doing a bit of a re-tread. We found Ladbroke Lane again, and made our way back to the pub.

The staff here were very friendly and helpful - they weren't very busy either. The football was on the wide-screen, and we sat outside in the garden, with beautiful hanging baskets, and healthy roses in the borders.

The landlord confirmed our suspicions about our walking area - 'they have 6 toes, rabid dogs, and banjos in the porch' - says it all really. He then went on to tell us about the un-savoury types living in the area, the ones he has to kick out, and the drugs intolerance - sort of sold it to us, then.!

However, this pub does have history - Wallace Simpson links, and a ghost, but you can find out more on its website

Lunch was fine - and the marks are as follows: Food -4, Service - 4, Amb - 3, Value - 4 . which went up to a 5 'cos we all got a free pen. = 16 points

Next meeting: Friday 18th June - Nymans Gardens - however, details from Mon if you are going, 'cos I am not.

Next Tuesday - 22 June: Meet at Brockham Green - two pubs to choose from so we can decide later on.

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