Tuesday 28th August
From Diarrhoea to Amnesia
Walkers: Farty and T.B. (eventually), 4 Legs, Windy, Lil -Happy Birthday- and Clat
Distance: 7 miles (for some of us)
Find: Farty and T.B.
A quick break, Chris taking advantage of some bushes, and we prepared for the high ascent. Almost a 1 in 1, we steeple-chased our way up, gasping* all the way. At the top we were rewarded with some fantastic views across towards Canary Wharf and the Shard, and two very friendly dawgies. A bleep from Farty alerted us to her imminent arrival from the other direction and we soon had our re-union in the nostrils. We carried on - and they had to turn round for our gentle descent towards home.
Across the M25 once more, and through a thicket and a thinnet towards some workings - a woman in a ditch with a tiny trowel. She was excavating the old Bletchingley Palace and had found a wall but nothing else. She and her colleague have two weeks apparently, to sort through what looks like acres of field - good luck madam. Prior to this, Clat had stepped down heavily onto Farty's glasses which had fallen out of her bust (I know, but that's where they get lodged). It was a complete stile -accident, and could have been worse, but the muddy conditions meant they had got squidged rather than decimated.
To add to this duo's misfortune today, neither of T.B.'s camera batteries were working so, mainly internet-sourced pictures today.
I think it's time we got back to the pub - so we eventually did. Food and booze ordered and some comparisons with HP versus Daddies sauce and T.B. asked if anyone remembered Dinky Chop Sauce - er no. We notice that Garry Pease will soon be appearing as Rod Stewart, so we ate ours, paid the bill , and left for home.
Next week could be Borde Hill or Reigate, because Fanny has opened her Pudding Room and we need to see it - make what you will of that. Ta ta
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