Friday 25 March 2011

Godstone - The White Hart (Beefeater)

It Shouldn't Happen to a Vet

Tuesday 22 March

Walkers: Farty, T.B. aka Steve Carter v.s., Windy, Chris - 2 legs, Registrara (fully oxygenated), Lil and Clat. Sue update: - is making good and steady progress - good.

Find of the Walk: Jimminy Cricket

Distance: 7 1/4 miles

Weather: simply divine

A new walk, and ably led by Farty. T.B not best pleased to have forgotten his camera (Lil we are hoping yours will do the trick). Even though Farty read out her usual check list before leaving home, it seems that something got lost in translation , so, sans camera it was.

We headed northwards and upwards, passing some reservoirs and a police dog training ground, heavily guarded with barbed wire, and not canines.

Across the M25 and eastwards towards Godstone Vineyard for a coffee - wrong!! The cafe is only open April onwards, so we had quite a wait for an expresso today. Oh well, it was a beautiful day, the birds were singing and mountains of wild garlic to behold, and that kept on happening throughout our walk today. The warm weather has reduced us to tee shirts, and Clat discovered she had a dent in her bra, which gave for an alarming profile, so no walking sideways today.

Along Quarry Way where we started an ascent of monumental proportions, with steps thoughtfully provided by someone in the past. Our two gazelles -Windy and Chris, now named Gaga and Gigi, bounded up without mis-hap, and the rest of us got there in the end. However, once up there, and proud of our climb, T.B. realised he had left his rucsack at the bottom - see, not his day, was it? Back he went, and we enjoyed some refreshment. Gigi, gazelled after him, and hauled him up once more, with the aid of her nifty walking stick - an excellent recovery.

We then found Jimminy Cricket smiling at us from a branch - we sang 'his' song, and continued our journey. This meant crossing a field - which was still being ploughed by the farmer, so we edged round it, and picked up the trail which led downwards to Woldingham School - it is very posh and in a lovely location, but we reckon the teenage girls wouldn't rate it, as there is nothing else in the area for miles.

A long slow steep ascent followed and we arrived at some woods and headed downwards once more. We passed a clump of beehives - no doubt the occupants now waking up and starting to buzz around. T.B. then found a jacket - hanging. His creative juices started working and he was soon rigged-up into a tall ghoulish figure - we have to indulge his whims sometimes. Oh well. Down and down we went, and crossed the m25 once more, and then a rather boggy field, which led to another road crossing before reaching the final stages. A tiny bit lost among the houses, but our route was soon re-discovered and we were home.
Lunch was surprisingly good - 2 legs had had a previous bad experience of a Beefeater (the one at Salfords by the way), so instead of her intended tomato juice she had fish and chips. Our waitress, Molly, was friendly ,attentive and efficient, and gave us a small talk on steaks and their behaviours on the grill. We have learnt something today.
So, that completes the blog for this week. Next Tuesday we shall probably tackle something on flatter ground - the gazelles will not be pleased! Will keep you posted. xxxx

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