Thursday 10 March 2011

Capel - The Crown

Capelbility Brown

Tuesday 8th March - International Women's Day and Shrove Tuesday

Walkers: Farty, T.B., Mrs Provincial (welcome back from the african lands), Windy, Hoots, Lil, Clat and our newby - G4Jane - who has been a friend of Clat's for over 40 years. Registrara was at her aunty's funeral, 12 legs occupied, as Sue was having her knee op. today, and Sally was on her way home from a trip.

Find of the walk: a big fat pussy (see photo below!)

Distance: 6 and 3/4 miles

Weather: wonderful
Lovely to meet up again especially after a break of two weeks, and with such an amazing day to enjoy.
The Crown owners were kind enough to let us park outside and we set off along the village high street. Life moves in mysterious ways - Lil espied a friend from the past waiting at the bus stop, then Sally pulled up , on her way home, with a bag in her hand for Mrs P. , and eventually we got going.

Further along the street we turned off into the  countryside, and came to Misbrooks Cottages on Misbrooks Green. A short history lesson from Clat, and on we went.

Big pussy!
Lovely views all round - Leith Hill clearly visible today, and the sun shone and shone. The signs of new life are all around, with the promise of a few

feasts for the eyes in weeks to come -marvellous.

Broomell's Farm, Greens Farm, and a short diversion to Tanhouse Farm, which has a shop, a cafe, and a loo - perfect. We ordered some liquid refreshment 'to go' - and then stopped. This is where Mon discovered her huge pussy and we took it in turns to stroke it (tee hee). The owner of the place invited us to park here in the future, and to dine after our walk. 'But you don't serve alcohol' said our Wind. 'Aha' said the owner ' you can bring your own booze' - perfect - problem solved then.

Refreshed, we set off once more - quite a few footbridges today - and found ourselves in some mudiness which is often produced by bridleways and the horses. We also passed several ponds with bullrushes, swans, geese, and some deer, which we were down-wind from (more later, tee hee hee).

Normally we don't see many walkers on our travels but today we found a middle-aged couple who told us they were doing a gps? walk. This involves using a gadget, and working out where to get to, to find a 'treasure' or object, and instructions for the next location. However, if you are Farty's uncle, when you find such an object, you do not leave it in situ. but bring it home to show everyone - this has to have ruined many a gadgeteers day. All the more reason to use a trusty o.n. map and some written clues instead.

Lodge Farm, Aldhurst Farm, through a copse, and an area with stunning willows on pollarded trees - bright red they were, and here T.B. had a slight manometer problem. The meaning of this will be revealed when you look up manometer in the dictionary . After recovering from this 'personal' incident, we reached the village high street. Here we said farewell to Hoots, as she had papers to sign, and we wended on a bit more. Our wend found us on t'other side of the road( as they say up north), and more farms and countryside. A little bit of lostness ensued, but we picked up the track, and headed back to the pub, where Lil espied her friend just arriving at the bus stop again - oooo er.

Our kindly hosts had provided a table for us, took the meal orders, and the food and service were spot-on. Clat tried to do a quiz, but some of the answers were a bit worrying. e.g. a female turkey is not called a Lady Gobbler, it is a hen.

It was still broad daylight at 3.30 p.m. - such a difference to the dark days of only a few weeks ago. Home to get tossing - it's Pancake Day!

We shall be walking again next Tuesday details to follow

What & where?

Good Day xxxxx

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