Wednesday 24 February 2010

Fashionistas without the blisters

Tuesday 23 February
Venue: Surrey Oaks at Parkgate, near Newdigate
Walkers: Farty, T.B., Windy, 12 Legs, Clat:
Find of the walk: an old tennis ball - but at least we found something

We assembled under gloomy and forbidding skies, but determined to get a walk done. The 12 Legs contingent, have now gone into amazing headgear, and for the second time, some lovely 'hat- couture ' has been modelled. The rest of us have made a note to park a bonnet on our barnet for the next walk.
An hour into the walk, the rain began and stayed with us until the end and beyond. Not to be deterred, we set off to explore pastures new, or rather, pastures very muddy and new, but this will be a splendid walk in the spring, as bluebell woods galore are in the offing. Extremely muddy in parts, but this type did not stick, or was that just me?

Good views at various locations and really good walking for the dawgies, as not much roadage, and not much livestock to worry about either. A detour had to be made at the railway, as the crossing has now been locked and barred. Saw plenty of horses though, with their coats on, except one rebel, who had deposited his in the field. We spotted a lovely black Shetland, practicing his pulling skills, complete with his shafts, but no carriage as yet.

Very pretty countryside, and not many stiles. We passed a slag heap (not the pile of women sort), and the local sewage centre - effluent in an affluent area ha ha ha.

The signage was pretty good until we neared the end of the walk, and a slight detour had in a trout fishery , and paintball area. We back-tracked, and were soon on course once more. We returned to the Surrey Oaks too late for lunch, as food stops at 2p.m. and they close at 2.30 - who needs indigestion? However, they do accept dogs.

We hastened to the Fox Revived for lunch and a drying-out session . The next walk, we hope, will be Tues 2 March (blimey how time flies) - details will be texted as usual. Hope you like the piccies, and my apologies for not getting things quite right - thanks to T.B for guiding me thus far. xx

Wednesday 10 February 2010

see what i mean?

9 FEB not March - that date seems to be fixed in my head, so am wondering if 9 March is going to be significant - watch this space.

erratum kum baya

Sorry folks - i have already added a comment to my blog from 9 Feb. It seems my delete button has a mind of its own. Windy WAS with us, but it was Trish who had the burst pipes, and we hope the plumber/gynaecologist was helpful.

Wind also reminded me to tell you about the variety of ducks we saw - including Mandarin and Bombay.

I shall read my efforts more thoroughly before posting them in the future.
lots of love Clat xxxxx

Tuesday 9 February 2010

Moddell dogs, nasty bogs, mucky clogs

Tuesday: 9 February - The Fox Revived, Norwood Hill (brunningandprice company history)- 81/2 miles - our top limit!
N.B. This pub doesn't accept dogs - only credit cards - ha ha ha ha ha.

Walkers: Farty, T.B., Windy, 12 legs, Clat;-Wendy un-available , due to burst pipes, and no Sally for lunch, either.

Weather: all sorts - sleet, hail and some sunshine - but flippin' cold, and a biting northerly wind. Headgear was a necessity, and Clat didn't care that she looked like Deputy Dawg with glasses.

Find of the walk: sadly (again), a dead long-tailed tit (the feathered variety) with ginger ninja eyebrows - fascinating.

We set off at a pace due to a bid of roadwork, and were passed by a huge Polish lorry - more later. The moddell dogs looked resplendent in their Burberry type coats, with stylish belts and turned-up collars - dogs from catwalks? what -ever next?

The route took us past several farms, so lots of poo and all kinds of s--t. Very boggy in parts, and quite a few road 'interruptions' which was a shame. We noticed that some previously missing way-markers had been replaced, so perhaps our e-mails to the council are working. Many stiles were encountered, some wonky, some challenging to men's dangly bits, and not many were dog-friendly, so various lifting techniques were adopted.

We traversed through small-holdings, round the biggest dung heap in the world, and spotted a quick brown fox, and a bouncing donkey. At one point we met the local Postman Pat, (the sort who reads your postcards) , who asked us if we were lost, as he had seen us ages ago, and commented on our slow progress - it was flippin' muddy! He told us the polish lorry-driver WAS lost, and that his sat-navski had given the wrong directions - apparently this happens quite often 'round these parts' .

A little urban walking occurred, through the village of Charlwood, and past the chapel, before heading for home. A few alterations were also made to the walk, to get us back in time for last food orders - 1500 at this pub.

Sadly, because of dog-ban, Sue had to leave and we lunched in this newly re-furbished hostelry. Friendly welcome, efficient service, good prices, and a wide range of food choices. Windy was liberal with her chips !!!!!

The next walk could be Tues 16 Feb., which will be run by Mon., as Clat is on a sojourn to Portsmouth, but will not be fraternising with any sailors.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

i got it wrong!

mental error everyone - the next walk is 9 feb not 9 march - my apologies, and thanks, Wind, for alerting me. whatever next!!!

ice, ice, baby

Tuesday 2 February 2010
The Three Horseshoes pub, Sidlow Bridge
Walkers: Farty, T.B., Mrs P. Clat - Sally joined us for lunch!

Find of the walk: sadly, a dead fox.

We set off in grey, miserable weather, which slowly dis-integrated during our walk, and we were met with rain, and nasty winds, so hoods and hats were up and on, but even so, through the mists, we still had some lovely views.

The walk was mainly muddy, with lots of icy patches, and the cold weather meant a lot of pee(l)ing off, in the bushes. Sheep abounded, and a few horses with their coats on. We stopped by a field with horny sheep and two gorgeous old white donkeys, who were wanting to be touched and cuddled.

A few unexpected boggy parts, as T.B. will confirm, as he had seepage in his boots - deeper than we thought then! Signs of life in the hedgerows, as birds are singing, and the green shoots of the spring flowers are evident - it has been a long winter, but the end is in sight, as was our walk, and we had an excellent lunch (for the price) at the pub. The landlord was chatty, and we were introduced to his stray dog 'Whisky' - an appropriate name i suppose.

The next walk is planned for Tues 9 March, at the Fox Revived - Charlwood Hill.
We hope to see you there.