Friday 3 June 2011

Betchworth - The Dolphin

Doing the Splits!
Tuesday 31 May
Walkers: Farty, T.B., 12 Legs, Registrara and Clat. Trish is poorly with a throat job (get well soon), Lil is knackered after her tour round Croatia, Windy is still being Spanish, Hoots is 'soliciting' again, and Sally is elsewhere.
Distance :Reg and Clat - 3 miles, the rest - 6 1/2

Find of the walk: a dead mole, who was then given an ariel burial

Today, as Clat was road-testing her bursitissed hips, there was a breakaway planned approx half-way round, and Reg was included.

We set off a little tardy, owing to a mis-guidance on Chris's part, but it happens to all of us and it was such a lovely day, that we spent the time in useful gossiping. Down Wonham Lane and a left, towards the n.w and Hartsfield Manor , where Reg performs her matrimonials. The sun was shining, the birds singing their heads off, and so were we.
A little way on it was realised that T.B. wasn't with us - and he too had suffered from some mis-guidance, and then found us o.k. The walk resumed, past the Red Lion, and over countryside towards the A25. The fields are fat with crops and a good harvest is hopefully on the horizon. Over the road and straight into the jungle on a very dis-used footpath. Further along we had to use our judgement on what was a diagonal, but it worked, and we found ourselves on a lane adjacent to a brand new footpath sign. Sadly, the one we wanted to find, had dis-appeared, and we arrived at the railway crossing at the wrong spot. What a mis-guided day this is turning out to be!

However, Farty found the missing sign, in the bushes and performed an erection so that others did not get lost. Talking of which, this is where Clat and Reg parted company - after all , who knows when a hip is going to play up? So, two versions will now follow:

C & R: We two headed down the lane, which brought us to the duck pond - so pretty and full of marvellousness. We then proceeded to the P.O. which serves coffee, and is a general store - perfect then, for a stop, and a chat, in the quiet little garden at the back. Not for long, as a group of 10 older ladies, invaded the space, and told us that the rest of our group had been spotted. Time to go ..........

Down another lane we went, and to the Red Lion once more. We had a little stop under some trees, as a rain shower passed overhead - we didn't want to get the bread wet. Safely back at the Dolphin, Reg left, and Clat headed for the pub - the bladder effect had kicked in, and here she sat and awaited the return of the group.

Rest of group - Having found the correct path, they got as far as the stile, and, seeing a male walker leading a large herd of cattle heading straight towards them, the stile was vaulted by Chris and so yet another mis-guidance led them on a different path. Lots and lots of birds were noted, including lapwings and a raptor. This is probably why Sue trod in a fresh cowpat. Apparently, it was of the macaroon type, which can be misleading to the unfortunate boot owner, as they look hard, but have a soft centre - you have been warned.

Wonham Mill is full of action and work is going on there apace. It will not be long before there is a For Sale sign promoting the new dwellings on offer.
About an hour and a bit then, and they joined Clat in the pub, who was trying to ignore the pain -in- the- xxxx bar-fly who always seems to inhabit these places. Apparently, he has been barred from every pub in the area, except this one , but we are sure it wont be long before the Dolphin will be doing the same!

Lunch was very good - the fish pies were choc-full and hot, although the veggies were not. T.B. enjoyed his steak/ale pie, and Clat had some duck spring rolls. Sated and satisfied, we went our separate ways, and hope to meet up with you next week - venue t.b.a

1 comment:

  1. Pictures bear no particular relation to the text this week! (Piccie Ed.)
