Wednesday 18 May 2011

Reigate Hill 2 - Chris's Big Birthday walk and picnic

Chris's Big Birthday Walk (aka: Oh dear I can't dribble on this scarf, it's not mine!)

Venue: Reigate Hill

Walkers: The Big Birthday gal, 10 legs minus 8, Farty, TB, Miss Windy Nohills and Mrs P. Clat and Lil joined us at Fanny's Farm and later for our picnic - acupuncture helping with the bothersome bursas but not fully fit yet.
Distance: 6 1/4 miles
Time Taken: 3 1/2 hours with 2 brief breaks and an hour at Fanny's Farm - so about 2.20 walking
Weather:Not as good as it has been lately, cloudy and occasionally threatening rain but thankfully it didn't materialise. A bit blowy on Reigate Hill for the picnic - so typical British summer picnic weather!
Find of the walk: Nothing! (maybe 2 old crones at Fanny's?, pic ed)

We set off at 10.45 and headed straight over the motorway roundabout (good to get that unpleasant part of the walk over and done with first). We managed to pick some flowers for the birthday gal - daisies and some blue flowers for contrast - which were then carried sticking out of Sue's backpack.

We turned down the footpath at the back of the mobile homes and had a look at a house that they are building there - not an ideal spot being just by the motorwa
y junction. The path leads to a private road with some lovely houses and we stopped to take a picture of a very beatiful wedding cake tree - Cornus Controversa Variegata for those budding Alan Tichmarchs out there!

At the end of the road we set out over the fields and it wasn't too long before we spied our first postman of the day - no RARA walk b
eing complete without seeing one! We soon stopped for our first mini break for water.

We carried on towards Upper Gatton Park which we have walked passed a number of times but know little about. Apparently the grounds and park of over over 100 acres were laid out by Capability Brown and the house itself is Grade 2 listed. It used to be owned in the 1600s by a Sir Samuel Owfield who was an MP, the borough being a rotten one! In 1784 the estate was sold to the owner of Lower Gatton so the 2 became united. I can't find any information as to who owns it now and whether it is still a private house. While we walked towards Upper Gatton wood we stopped to watch a buzzard who was being mobbed by a solitary crow - brave crow! - and we then noticed another one soaring close by. Great sight.
We were soon approaching Fanny's Farm where Clat and Lil were waiting for us. They wondered whether we had all fallen out as apparently they watched us emerge from the woods almost one by one! So, lovely to see them again and w
e were especially pleased as they had their car with them as were planning on driving back to Reigate Hill - cue shopping spree! We soon cleared the shelves of Garlic Pickle and found ourselves a spot to have our coffee and tea. Clat made a new friend - Fanny's beautiful Staffie who lapped up all the attention. He was wearing a tag on his collar saying 'nil by mouth' on one side and 'don't feed me, I'm on a diet' on the other - clearly he's been enjoying one too many of Fanny's famous teas! Before leaving we then bought some beautiful but pongy Norbury blue cheese and loaded our goodies into Clat's car - thanks Clat for allowing us to stink you out!

Us walkers continued from the farm to the daunting hill overlooking the motorway - much easier going down! - but we found it quite slippy as the ground is so dry. It appeared that Miss Nohills had slipped more than planned as was soon pulled up short by a pain in the bum - and it wasn't one of us walkers! We stopped for some first aid by Merstham church and while she stretched to ease the problem the rest of us discussed various ways of sorting her out. A sharp poke in the bum from Sue's ski pole seemed to do the trick as she soon pronouned herself feeling alot better - we think she decided to get going before we administered even more drastic first aid!

Through Merstham village and its lovely cottages and on to the golf course. We cut through Gatton school, dodging the footballs as the path cuts across the
playground, and stopped at the bottom of the hill to see the goats. As we were admiring them a knowledeable lady told us that the white one was probably a Nubian cross and the other 2 Golden Guernseys. So you learn something every day on these walks!

As we trudged up the hill we caught sight of a very large pussy cat who had just caught himself a rabbit which was almost as big as himself. He looked rather pleased with himself and was no doubt heading home to present his catch to his horrified owners.
Back at the car park we found Clat and Lil (delighted to get rid of our cheese from the back of their car!). Chris had no idea about our picnic plans but soon cottoned on as we emerged from the boots of our cars bearing goodies. Fortunately there was a spare picnic table so we set up our feast - yummy food c
ourtesy of Farty, champagne Clat and balloon Windy - roadside flowers courtesy of Jane Packer! We toasted the birthday gal with the bubbles, donned coats and blankets to keep out the cold and tucked in! Chris opened her presents - a very tasteful photo frame with a photo of us at Balcombe viaduct and an even more tasteful cow themed money box and mug. Classy, just like us! Chris, we quite understand if they end up at the charity shop!

Having hoovered all Farty's food we decided to move closer to the coffee shop in the hope that it might be a bit warmer. Coffees and teas all round and yours truly emerged with the birthday cupcakes. Unfortunately, due to a nut malfunction I couldn't do the 3 tiered cake stand so a single tier had to suffice - shame, as the 3 tiered one would have fitted the classy theme so much better! The bubbles had clearly gone to our head by now as we got gigglier and gigglier - Windy then uttered the immortal words 'oh dear I can't dribble on this scarf, it's not mine'! It then lead to a deliberation about our name RARAS - Farty thought FOWNOs was more us - Eff off, we're not old! We may have to take a vote on that one . . .
We finally called a halt to the festivities before it got even sillier and headed off our various ways home -or to IKEA in the case of Clat and Lil. A great day all round. Happy Birthday Chris!

Next week TBA.

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