START POINT: Barley Mow, Tandridge Lane, Tandridge
TIME TAKEN: 3 1/2 hrs
WEATHER: Cloudy and quite chilly - autumn is here!
PLUSES: Great company (of course!), good views from the Downs, lots of lovely ponds/lakes, lots of friendly dogs, including a beautiful brindle boxer looking like he should - with his tail intact and wagging!! A few free foods in the form of the last of the blackberries, Godstone Church and the gorgeous cottages around it (Wendy Nohills went quite yellow with envy). Watching the mad cyclists cycling UPHILL on the steepest part of the walk (and also a jogger with his dog) - made us feel so much better as we were heading DOWNHILL at the time! The wonderful homemade chips awaiting us at the Barley Mow - and the roaring log fire!
MINUSES: The new detour around the quarry south of the M25 which added at least a mile or so to the walk - very boring and frustrating, particularly since it was only closed off a few days ago. I've just noticed on the map that the area is called Big Pickle - how appropriate! A not very attractive burned out car just north of the M25. The hill after the car! (We didn't tell Wend it was coming, but she managed brilliantly. . .) A few walking wounded at the end of the walk - brave Sal's knee started to play up, as did W-Nohill's blister, and poor Fartyfallover was suffering with her (or was it Token Blokes?! Sorry Mart!) cold - however, considering it was a 10 miler, think they all did brilliantly.
FIND OF THE WALK: Blue cycle helmet/hard hat, and a child's pink croc shoe. Neither of any use to man nor beast! . . . . and both quite filthy dirty!
Looking forward to our next meet - girl's boozy lunch in Croydon, Davy's Wine bar, 12.30 Tuesday 27 October. See you all there!
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